Saturday, January 7, 2012


I have been thinking about things that I can do to improve my results in life for the new year. Everyone does that, and plenty probably are thinking just what I am. I don't put any stock in the "Secret" stuff, where you ask the universe for things and it gives them to you, but I do have an idea that's not wholly different. I got to thinking about it after a friend suggested that I might be interested in buying a queen-size bed from a different acquaintance.

I may have in fact outlined this theory in the past, but it's possible that the time passed has changed my outlook a little. Anyway, it seems to me that the thing to do is to be ready for things. In the case of the bed, my shortsighted thinking would be that because I have a twin size bed and am single, I'm set. The thing to consider though is that I am all the more likely in a way to remain single if there is no space in my bed for a significant other.

It's a natural extension of things that I try to do already. I don't have my room clean as much as I'd like, but I appreciate that if it's clean then events are more likely to transpire in such a way that someone I care about might go in there and see it. I try to shower and get dressed as early as I can every day whether there are plans that require it that day or not, because I figure nothing will happen for me outside of the apartment if I'm not ready to go out there at a moment's notice.

I concede that there's a little hokey mysticism in this, but it's practical as well. The part that matters is your morale and that people see it. You feel better when you're showered and dressed. When you get called and you're consistently not just already awake but ready to face the day, people get the idea that you're really on the ball, and they want to be involved with people that are put together and have things figured out. That's the idea- to fool them into thinking that's me.

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