Saturday, September 28, 2013


As I write this, I am a bit ill. I doubt whether it's anything serious, but it's been enough to slow me down over the last couple of days. A person could reasonably argue that my personality would benefit from the sort of ailment that would have me talking a good bit less, and such has been the case. Sickness is unquestionably one method of curing the more serious problem of over-exposure, which is one I'm sometimes prone to.

My means of treating a mild illness are crude and perhaps not overly effective. It does occur to me to obtain some kind of cold medicine, although I don't always follow through on that. I do usually go as far as buying and consuming chicken noodle soup, even buying the top-shelf brands if I suspect that what ails me is as serious as that. After all, there's nothing more important than your health, and if it's really at risk, three dollars is a fair price to spend, even if slightly more is not.

At such times as this, I understand a little bit better why such things as magical amulets and mystical teas are sworn by in some places even today. For lack of treatments more verified by medical science, anything seems good if you can convince yourself that it will work. I rather wish I had some kind of amulet or sacred words to speak right now, but fluids and bed rest are just going to have to be good enough.

I do suspect they will be. Indeed, by the time you read this, I have high hopes of feeling much better, and if I don't feel entirely recovered, I will surely have reached an adequate level to resume essential activities. Voluntary exercises in self-destruction (such as heavy drinking) may have to wait a little bit longer. Who knows? Perhaps abstaining from such hard-living could have some health-benefits outside of hastening this illness.

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