Sunday, November 18, 2012

Rest And Relaxation

As I write this, I'm concluding a fairly full day. It's true that I didn't have anything going on in the morning, nor could I have. You see, the previous day had been rather full as well, and concluded with a strenuous lesson in pole dancing. As this was the legitimate variety, it was a tremendous workout, and left me red-faced, gasping for breath and all bruised up. As a consequence, I left the following morning open for recuperation. It proved inadequate.

After trying to rest, I had little choice but to begin my day. My first major event was an improv class. Any attempt to prevent that from being physical would have been futile, but I did have the good sense not to ride my bicycle. I did not like my chances of being able to lift it over my head, as is commonly necessary when combining it with the subway. It also did not help matters that it was raining on this day.

So I had that improv class, and my soreness did not keep me from making self-destructive choices like falling on the floor in a scene. I never have been good at holding back out of self-preservation in such situations. The class broke up on a positive note, and I was left with the task of making my way to a birthday celebration. The rain makes it tough to navigate on the fly, as one's phone becomes much tougher to use unless cover can be found.

The part of the birthday that I managed to make it in time for was a trip to the arcade. I have been to the arcade more in recent months almost than the entirety of my youth. It proved that even the games of the arcade were nearly more than I could handle in my weakened condition. Fighting games were very taxing. Shooting games were a little less difficult to manage. Eating frozen yogurt wasn't too bad. I'll probably be engaged in little more vigorous than that until I'm fully restored. By then I'll probably be due to have another workout or something, because isn't that always the way?

1 comment:

Frenchie said...

Ah! Good old sore muscles from a good workout!

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