Thursday, December 27, 2012


I got some good eating done over the holidays. I manage to nourish myself tolerably well at all times, and so you won't hear me whining about starvation, but I don't eat such good food generally. I eat better when with my family during the holidays, and this Christmas just passed was no exception. Indeed, it was exceptional in a very positive way, if any. I shall delight in forcing an account of it upon you.

My visit commenced with fairly little food in the kitchen, and so there was a fair amount of scrounging in between burritos brought home by my saintly mother. I should say that the amount of food around at that time still far exceeds what I ever have at my apartment in Los Angeles. Typically I have six or seven cans of something, some cup o'noodle soups, and little else apart from mustard. It's economical.

In any case, the tide turned on Christmas Eve, at which time some shopping was done and a trip to my sister's house brought to bear the plentitude of edibles in her kitchen. The pre-meal eating I did there could have spoiled the appetite of a normal person on a normal day, but these circumstances were extreme and I am seldom a person described as normal where eating is concerned in any case. What's really remarkable is just where the food goes to. I cannot say.

Christmas Day and the day following brought still more delights of the palate. I did my best to eat all I could, knowling that such a bounty was not to be had again any time soon upon my return to LA. I'm especially sorry that I left behind some gift beer, but to have drank any more might have jeopardized my prompt arrival at the airport on the morning of my departure. That aside, I consider the trip to have been a successful one for my stomach.

1 comment:

Frenchie said...

Awesome! Just what a mama wants to hear!!!

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