Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Snake Your Way To Success

I was watching episodes of  "GI Joe" the other day. The main villain, known as Cobra Commander, speaks in a very serpentine manner, which stands to reason. There's a lot of hissing involved, and one wonders whether it is some form of natural speech impediment that he suffers from. If so, did he turn evil as a consequence in some manner inspired by the Book of Genesis, or was his heel turn a simple coincidence. Inquiring minds want to know.

It's an interesting noise to make or hear made. I feel as if it very seldom occurs outside of the intention to project quiet menace of some sort. As proof, I offer the fact that I myself seldom if ever hiss, although I must confess that I tend to draw out the final syllable whenever I say "Yes" as a sort of facetious reaction of happiness to things that don't necessarily justify such a reaction. Condemn me as evil for that if you will, readers.

We used to keep snakes at the Nature Lodge when I worked summers at camp. They tended to be rather quite on the whole, although there would be occasional rustling, rattling, and, indeed, hissing. It was fine during ordinary operating hours in the light of day, but having had the experience of watching scary movies in there at night, I can confirm that it effectively heightens the emotions that one would be apt to feel under other circumstances.

Consider the value that there might be in hissing more at work, at home and at play. I don't deny that you may find yourself vilified, but you will probably have already had the experience of seeing the most hated people in your life inexplicably enjoy the most success. Why should it not be you as well? Try it in some low-risk settings first, such as when you are languishing in line at the grocery store, and see if you don't move more swiftly. Feel free after that to employ it in all facets of life, and thank me later.

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