Monday, May 13, 2013

The Birthday Boys

A curious thing happened on the train ride back from that evening of delights I described yesterday. Why should the return trip fail to be as eventful as the outbound one? This one was actually genuinely interesting, in that anyone would find it curious as opposed to just me. Now, by this time I had seen "The Great Gatsby" and bought two expensive drinks at a bar I had to wait in line to enter. Those are not things I choose to do, the movie excepted.

I had also met up with a friend who was in the area, and we headed home to our shared apartment building around 1am. Trains that late are either raucous party trains or they are trains right out of "Death Wish". This was the former, as we found ourselves right by some young guys celebrating a birthday. They were young enough to have a good time drinking Bud Lights, which signify not such a good time to me.

They started free-style rapping. This went on a bit, and my friend got out his harmonica, which was a hit among the rappers, surprisingly enough. He was like the hero of the train for providing accompaniment. Then started the chanting. There were some chants that made sense under the circumstances, and then my friend got them to start doing a chant that was a private joke only he and I could understand. That led to a series of name-brand chants.

It seems to me that by the time we had all sung happy birthday to the man of honor, the train reached the terminal station and we all got out and went our separate ways. I mainly don't want something to disturb the peace of a train, but if something must, that was about as benign as it can be. Being a little chemically imbalanced, I actually enjoyed it. Maybe I'll see the bunch of them again the next time there's a birthday.

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