Saturday, October 1, 2011

So Hot Right Now

As September gives way to October and the officially declared autumn wears on, there continue to be rather warm days in Los Angeles. I know they must not compare to things back home in Arizona, but as I'm acclimated now, they're rather warm. I'm grateful that it cools off at night here, but that is all too little comfort at times. Mostly things are fine, but there are those occasions where I just can't hack it very well, pedigree aside.

An example is there in some of the places where I practice the performing arts. I suspect that they may not be erring on the side of too much air conditioning, and I don't mind that. I try to spare it as much as I can myself, but when the air goes off at home, the windows open. Where I have improv classes, there seem to be no windows that can be opened, and opening the doors seems downright unsafe. I mean that some unsavory characters walk by there. As a consequence it gets rather warm during class sometimes.

It can look like one of those Southern Baptist church scenes sometimes. Everyone is as enthusiastic as can be, but their energy is sapped by the heat and the exertion of trying to cool off with some kind of makeshift fan. Just sitting there one is a bit florid, but imagine spending a while with a wild, exuberant, gesticulating character. You can't back off it on account of the weather. You've just got to tough it out, come what may.

Hopefully we won't have to do that too much longer. God willing, by the time we get well into October (or November at the latest), it will be genuinely cool during the day and rather brisk at night every day. That will have us all glad we're so active in our efforts to plumb the depths of the human condition through the dynamic medium of live improvised comedy. I'll do it either way, but I'd just as soon ferret out truths about life while it's cool.

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