Friday, August 5, 2011

Truly Local News

Walking and taking public transportation as I often do, I am privy to some things that the car-bound commuter is probably not. Many of the other people with whom I rub shoulders also see and hear things, and when they speak of them I hear that. In this way, I have a sort of intelligence network which very occasionally delivers a scoop. It's frustrating as much as it is anything, as I must wait for the professional media to catch up and deliver more details.

The latest dirt from an overheard informant pertained to a riot or near-riot, depending on who you choose to believe. You may have heard of it. The premiere of a documentary about an ill-fated rave festival was to take place in Hollywood, and an apparently famous DJ unwittingly drew thousands by tweeting of his plans to perform some music out in front of the theater beforehand. Somehow things went awry, and the multitudes took it poorly.

I was on the subway, and heard that one of the stations was shut down as it was affected by the police effort to pacify the crowd. In fact, by the time our train passed that station it was open again. Now, I heard of this as I gather it was still happening. I was trying to write something, I believe. I couldn't help but hear some girls talking about it with some guy. I strained to hear every detail I could, all the while straining every bit as much to not seem as if I was exerting an effort to hear.

I was intrigued enough to seek out illumination from the local news broadcasts. Only one covered it that I noticed. It's always this way. On a TV show, the thing I wanted to hear about would have been the first thing covered on the first show I tried. In fact, it would have been the first thing to come through the moment I turned on the television. Sadly, we don't live in a scripted world, and so I am grateful to always have available the general public when I need to know what's going on.

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