Friday, January 3, 2014

Final Analysis

I think it's time to wrap it up with "Tango & Cash".  After fifteen posts, I have pretty exhaustively covered every scene, character and aspect of the plot that I have very much enthusiasm for, probably spoiling the movie for those who haven't seen it any number of times. It has been nice to know what I was going to write about for this long (giving me some appreciation for the sort of more focused blog that I always meant to eventually transition to once I figured out what I wanted to write about. It has, of course, been some five years at this point).

I hope that I have sparked some interest in the film. It honestly, truly is a personal favorite of mine, however often I let slip my feelings about parts of it that leave anything to be desired. It's a kind of film that is not made much anymore. It's an A-list action movie with no pretensions towards being anything more than a delivery mechanism for spectacular stunts and quips. It does that very well, really. If I haven't made you feel those feelings even a little, I don't think I've done as well as somebody else could have.

I first saw Tango & Cash, as I think I might have said, with a group of friends when it was selected by popular vote from among several films which connected back to the previous week's movie in some way that I can't remember anymore. That was how the movie-watching group worked: you had to watch something which continued the thread through someone who had worked on the last week's movie. I enjoyed the film, but didn't start to love it until I found it on VHS and started watching it over and over again at home while I was writing and doing other things.

Tomorrow, you may expect something that is not Tango & Cash. God help me, I don't know what that might be. I don't mean to make too much out of any of this, since the whole thing has just been an exercise to keep myself writing, and no one is really looking to me to doing justice to a movie or to have something really special and well-written every day. This is really just for me, like a birthday party is ostensibly for the children, but they always say that who it's really for is the parents. There'll be something else here tomorrow, just because I don't know how to not do it right now.

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