Thursday, March 7, 2013

Don't Show Your Work

There are a lot of important things to know about auditions. Some of them are things I know already, and some of them are things that I have yet to learn. One thing that was useful is to put each one behind you- to not think about what you did wrong and to not beat yourself up for blowing it. This is awfully important because the outcomes of these auditions are so unpredictable. They are to me, anyway. You can think you were terrible and get it anyway.

That makes something that I already knew very important. As long as the people who matter are around, you have to hide any negative feelings about what you're doing. You have to bury them deep inside and display nothing but feelings of confidence and positivity. This way, it's truly your performance that will doom you if anything does- not the way you feel about your performance. I'm certain that's paid off for me.

Like I said, this not anything new to me. There is always the part of things that is for the audience to see and the part that anybody can guess exists, but which is best left backstage. That extends to negative feelings about the performance as it's happening as well as the stuff that in your mind is a preface to your performance. There's a reason they encase machines in a hard shell. The sophisticated parts inside are no secret, but they do not work so well if they are brought out for examination.

I remain a novice in this business by comparison with many people, but there is one thing that I know. It guarantees nothing, but it is a valuable tool in the whole distinct toolbox whose purpose is to minimize the chances of me doing myself harm. It's something that I have an unfortunate propensity for doing, but the good news is that when I can keep it down, I actually sometimes manage to achieve things.

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