Saturday, July 23, 2011

The Chasedown

I have to beg your pardon, for I have been sitting on an interesting (to me alone, I'm sure) story for a couple of weeks now, and only the constant desperation of having to write something has now brought it to the forefront. I was down in the southern reaches of Hollywood, which is always likely to provoke writing material. I happened to pass what looked like a new restaurant, though I am by no means certain about its newness.

I would have just passed it by, as it was a 'Pescaterian' establishment, and I have always been rubbed the wrong way by such diets. Those who adopt them annoy me, and I shun them myself for fear of mercury poisoning. In any case, knowing pescaterians to be those who only eat the flesh of fish, I was surprised to see a special promoting chicken. As I stood there gaping at the sign and wondering whether this really was any different than a burger place selling tacos, the wheels began to turn within the edifice.

I moved on, having exhausted my interest and not wanting to be late for the engagement which brought me to that neighborhood. I heard movement behind me, which around there is taken as a cue by the sensible person that they should walk away fast and not look back. I have never been sensible to that degree. I stopped and looked see what it was. Happily, on this occasion it was not a mugger or agent of any other unpleasantness so severe.

It was one of the employees from the restaurant. She had witnessed me scrutinizing the sign for chicken and interpreted it as severe interest. She then grabbed a paper menu and rushed out to catch me. My very first thought was of how hard up the restaurant must be, and this is attributable either to its newness after all or merely to the fact that there is a prohibitively limited interest in such cuisine even in that bastion of liberal food though, Hollywood.

I didn't have the heart to deny interest in the place, and accepted the menu, which is presently serving as an auxiliary bookmark. I do hope that restaurant pulls through. She seemed nice and earnest, and those qualities ought to be rewarded by someone if not me.

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