Sunday, April 20, 2014


Today is Easter Sunday. For many people, and maybe most in this country, that is the most important thing. Today commemorates the resurrection of Jesus, and that is no small occasion to remember. Should he have died and remained dead, that probably would have been the end of a lot of his mystique, but instead we have a man who was placed in a tomb and who failed to remain there. That is, again, a very big deal. We had that man who revived after being put in a body bag, but that remains a rare thing.

Interestingly, the reason some would give for the believe of those who were there and who said Jesus was absent from his resting place has some relevance today. Some would say you'd have to be high to think so. As it happens, today is not just Easter Sunday but also 4/20, which devotees of marijuana regard as a special day. I suppose any day is one on which pot can be smoked, but people do seem to constantly seek special occasions.

I don't see how external forces really make any day special. We once derided Hallmark for making a lot of false holidays, but we no do the same thing at a rate that Hallmark could only dream of. Every day seems to be special in one way or another. whether it's "National Bourbon Day" or "National Siblings Day" or whatever other day that somebody thinks of. If they are able to get the thing to go viral, then sure enough that's what day it is.

People can do what they want to do. I don't myself honor any occasion that is sanctioned by neither Christian churches nor the federal government of the United States. I have some respect for the holiday of other nations and other churches, but they're nothing I'll do more than take an interest in. This 4/20 thing is one of those occasions. I suppose it isn't meant to be such a grand holiday, but it is bad luck that it falls on a real holiday this year. Better luck next year, stoners.

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