Thursday, August 29, 2013

The Night Capped

The last couple days I have been recounting aspects of my Sunday. Monday it was my fantasy draft and yesterday it was my jokes that got into a local sketch show. Of course, I was not done yet after that finished. I was feeling pretty good, having had myself a little triumph there. If they'd cut my stuff entirely or heavily manipulated it, I'd have just wanted to go home. As it was, I wanted to keep the good times going.

Some other friends of mine (with whom I'd been on an improv team until recently) were there to host a two person improv show of their own, and I was very happy to talk with them a while in the bar after I'd spoken at length with other people involved in my thing. They asked if I would be going to their show, and I couldn't see why not. Of course, having a ticket to that other show, I could have seen all the shows on the main stage that night, but my friends were off doing their thing on another stage, and I wanted only to be there with them.

It's a fun show they do. Two person improv is really amazing when it's on, and it was on this night. It's a contest that they do. Every week, three teams (one being the returning champ) compete to be the best. The one that wins an audience vote returns the following week. It was a tough call this time, and I made it. Of course, I can't violate the sanctity of the democratic process by revealing who I voted for, but they were all terribly entertaining.

Anyway, my memories at that point could be slightly muddled. Over the course of the night, I had three beers, which is at the point where I can't rely on my faculties fully anymore. It was those 3 dollar brown ales. I was too weak to resist them and the drumbeat of happy developments. Who wouldn't be, though? I will say I was sensible enough to know when the night had to be over, and after that I headed home. It was a great day.

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