Monday, November 21, 2011

Out There A Storm, In Here I'm Warm

It rained yesterday here in Los Angeles. I've written about it in the past, but it must have been a while, right? Perhaps we will find that something new emerges from an old subject through the passage of time. A person can't help but change at least a little. Now, I am of two minds about rain. I grew up in a desert community where the necessity for some rain soon was one of those safe topics everyone could readily agree on.

It was just the kind of rain that I like. It was hard, cold and had the decency to select a day on which I could remain indoors. I like rain fine when I am indoors, which I suppose is common to all reasonable people. Being caught out in it is awful, although it's really just the getting wet that's bad. It's a funny thing, actually. They say that illness is prevalent during rainstorms not because people are stuck out in it, but because the weather compels them to stay indoors for so long. That's where the disease runs rampant.

It was a pretty strong storm, and yet not really strong enough for my liking. In for a penny, in for a pound, as they say. If we're going to have rain, let it not be just a drizzle. Let it not be even just rain. Let it be rain, thunder, lighting and all the rest, I say. If we're going to let our plans be ruined by our dislike (or outright irrational fear) of rain, let it be so notable as to warrant headlines in the newspaper and memories vivid enough to share with grandchildren decades later.

I care nothing for a storm that I will not add "of '11" (or of whatever year) to as an old man, that's all I'm saying. I don't want anyone getting hurt, unless they have it coming. People that are innocent of foolishness should be spared, but people who have so little perspective as to get stranded in a flooded intersection as a result of trying to reach their place of employment might deserve to be stuck as well as to be fired. Storms are good for identifying such people.

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