Friday, March 4, 2011

Dogged And Relentless

I continue to turn to afternoon walks in hopes of better learning the neighborhood and receiving inspiration for writing. Having walked every street in the triangle formed by the three major roads that border my home, I have lately turned to the far side of one of the two which run more or less North and South. On one of the side streets there, I did see something interesting enough. On the gate of one home (which I would not say sings out a very enticing song to thieves), an oddly specific sign warned troublemakers of a "German Shepherd On Duty".

On reading that, it occurred to me that I had seen an animal behind the fence moments before. I went and took a second look. There indeed was a German Shepherd about identical to the one pictured on the sign, except that the latter one watches you intently and alertly, and the actual one there was motionless and apparently sleeping. I stood there and watched it, soon judging that this dog was not nearly so dutiful as I was meant to believe. Understand that I was not any more likely now to rob the place, but figured that it would not be any tougher for the dog's presence.

I think I stood and watched the somnolent canine a few moments too long though, because after a time it lifted its head to observe me. I gather this was supposed to be in itself a deterrent, because when I showed no reaction to it, the dog sprang to its feet and came bounding over while throatily sounding the alarm. I decided that I had seen enough, and would be best served in moving along to continue my constitutional. The dog would be in agreement, one would think, but he was unpleasantly vindictive and would have sought needless revenge had not the fence prevented it.

I think that the sign was rather misleading even though the dog ultimately proved worthy of the buildup. The homeowner should have a sign which fully outlines the range of the dog's behaviors. It might say, "German Shepherd Seemingly Slumbering, But In Fact Merely Waiting For Trespassers To Fully Enter The Trap Before Springing It". I appreciate that this would be rather long-winded and unwieldy of a warning, but there's no sense in expending effort on aesthetics for something like this. Just say what needs to be said and the dog will ensure that no one is disdainful of the inarticulate wording.

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